Monday, February 6, 2017

Walking with and without a Catheter

This picture was taken on January 1st. Note the fuzzy slippers, and the catheter dangling near my left knee.

       The blue bag in front of my knee was tied to the treadmill and held my urine collection. When I first got home, my treadmill didn't go slow enough for me, so I just walked around the house until I felt like I could get .5 mph without falling. I use a Garmin 225 watch to track my workouts and races, and now it was counting steps for me. This was the 1st day on the treadmill, and I topped 1000 steps. The next day, it was 1700 steps. On the 3rd, I topped 2000 steps. The hard part was standing up straight. My abdomen was really tight. A week later, with the catheter out for a day, I topped 4000 steps. I was also upping the pace slowly. The downside to having the catheter out was peeing myself. The 1st week I did go through some extra diapers when walking. As time went on this slowly got better, relieving some of the frustration from the first couple of weeks. On January 24th, 4 weeks after surgery, I topped 10,000 steps and was down to 2 pads in a 24 hour period. I felt like there was light at the end of the tunnel. I still hadn't walked outside, or up and down hills. I was trying to wait for 6 weeks out from the date of the surgery to start running slowly. The time for that was getting closer. I was still peeing myself when I sneezed, stood up, put on shoes, etc, but walking, sitting, and sleeping was much better than before.

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