Friday, March 31, 2017

Running More, Peeing Less

     This week I noticed that I seemed to be peeing myself a lot less all of the sudden. I've been dry at night for some time now, and sitting is good also. I'm talking about my day job where I'm on my feet, and lifting heavy stuff. The incontinence seems to have suddenly improved. My sneezing and coughing still bring squirts, but overall I'm seeing improvement. My running seems to be getting better as well. I'm still caffeine free, except for a couple of jelly beans on race days. I'm slowly increasing spicy foods, but not nearly as much as what I used to eat. As for alcohol, I had some beers in Laughlin, and they pretty much went straight through me. I haven't had any since, but tomorrow is another race.
     The race we are going to tomorrow is the Casa Super Hero 5 and 10k in Bakersfield. The race will be flat, and the course should be one of the most scenic in recent times. I have put in the most midweek miles since my surgery this week. I have eleven miles done before the weekend, so I might top my weekly high of 21 miles before the weekend is over. I have recovered from the tightness I had after my 5k last Saturday, so I'm looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings. Both Robin and I will be running the 10k to get ready for longer races coming up.

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